Fill In the Blanks

In the text below some words are missing. Drag words from the box below to the appropriate place in the text. To undo an answer choice, drag the word back to the box below the text.

Well, the banana is the first cultivated fruit. It's one of the food items that literally people out of the jungle, out of their hunter-gatherer lifestyles and was there at the of agriculture which is what helped force human beings into . It’s really one of the things that helped invent human culture. It's about 7000 years of history, and the banana, from its center of , which is believed to be Papua New Guinea, spread out with people who traveled in boats across the Pacific into the mainland of Asia and all the way south to Australia across Indonesia and Micronesia and eventually they moved as far as Africa and even possibly to Ecuador all in this time and all on boats and wind driven boats.
