Fill In the Blanks

In the text below some words are missing. Drag words from the box below to the appropriate place in the text. To undo an answer choice, drag the word back to the box below the text.

Almost all public spaces nowadays have advertisements in sight, and all forms of media, from newspapers to the cinema to the Internet, are with adverts. This all-pervasive presence reflects the value of advertising to us. Without it, businesses of all types and sizes would to inform potential customers about the products or services they provide, and consumers would be unable to make informed assessments when looking for products to buy and services to use. Without advertising, the promotion of products and that contribute to our physical and psychological well-being medicines to treat minor ailments, insurance schemes to protect us, clothes and cosmetics to make us look and feel better would be infinitely more than it is. And without advertisements and the represented in them, the world would be a far place.
