Journeys Made by Men and Women in the United Kingdom in 2006 according to their purpose
- The image shows information about journeys made by men and women in the United Kingdom in 2006 according to their purpose.
- The purpose is classified into different categories including walking, visit friends, education, shopping, personal business, school run, holiday trip, sports and business purpose.
- The most common purpose of journey is commuting and shopping, being more than 20% of trips. The next common reason for people’s trip is visiting their friends and school run, which accounted for above 15%, closely followed by personal business of around 10%. The least common type of journey is walking and holiday, both have the same percentage of around 3%.
- After analyzing the key aspects, it can be concluded that this image shows crucial information about journeys made by men and women in the United Kingdom in 2006 according to their purpose, which is strongly supported by data and facts.