- The bar chart shows information about the total wine sales for Merlot, Riesling, Semillon, Shiraz and Sparkling in Australia.
- It can be clearly seen that the Semillon is the most popular type of wine in all states in Australia, accounts for 40k, 20k, 35k, 40k for ACT, NSW, QLD and VIC respectively. This is followed by Merlot, which is the second most popular type of wine, accounts for roughly 35k in every state. On The other hand, Riesling is the least popular type of wine, accounts for roughly 15k for different states in Australia.
- After analyzing the key aspects, it can be concluded that this bar chart shows the crucial information about the total wine sales for Merlot, Riesling, Semillon, Shiraz and Sparkling in Australia, which is strongly supported by the data and facts.