There is a picture, sort of artist's impression, before the space age of what Venus might be like on its surface and so this was looking at the planet Venus, it was science fiction and science fact all the way up to 56 before the start of the space age but it wasn't completely disproved, this idea of a really sort of lush environment on Venus until 1967, which is when the first measurements in detail were done at Venus.
So Mariner four and Mariner five confirmed the feeling from an earlier space mission that in fact the surface of Venus was not like this at all, but extremely hot and, and also that the clouds were made of sulfuric acid so there wasn't a nice water cycle like is going on in this picture and so that it had to wait for these in situ measurements by space craft to actually do that and so Venus turned out not to be quite as Earth like as we thought and I'll sort of tell you about some of the latest results from Venus Express, which they actually there are some Earth like features, but to a large extent, it's not like the Earth Okay, so a brief comparison between.
Prior to the space age, Venus was imagined as an Earth-like world, but in 1967, missions such as Mariner four and Mariner five revealed its scorching surface and sulfuric acid clouds. Recent findings from Venus Express have found some Earth-like features, but Venus remains largely dissimilar to our planet.