This lecture talks about thermodynamics theory and kinetic theory which are major development of physics. To begin with, the speaker points out that thermodynamics are about heat and temperature transmission and their relation to energy and work. After that he mentions that the laws of thermodynamic that describe how quantities behave under various circumstances are constant and statistical. More importantly, that laws of thermodynamic are obeyed under most situations. However, there are exceptions. At the end, he emphasizes that exceptions happen when it comes to kinetic energy of molecules, which is about random motion of atom.
This lecture talks about how material affected by heat, temperature.
At the beginning of the lecture, the speaker mentioned that heat was caused by physics atom motion and activities.
Temperature is the average kinetic energy within a given object.
In thermodynamics mechanism, thermal energy is defined as the total of all kinetic energies within a given system.
It is important to remember that heat is caused by flow of thermal energy due to differences in temperature.
Additionally, thermal energy always flows from warmer areas to cooler areas.