In our survey over a hundred CEOs who recently been through an acquisition or merger were asked which areas of their activities needed the most effort, as you can see, the most frequent response to this question was that information technology requires the most integration effort. According to 58% of those we surveyed, IT was the most time consuming and needed the most work, this is understandable as many of the IT issues are extremely complex, and the consequences of any change in IT can have a significant impact. The key is how quickly and effectively IT integration can be achieved, and there has to be a clear understanding of the consequences there maybe of not getting it right.
The two other areas requiring significant attention, sales, marketing and business development on the one hand, and financial management on the other, both were selected by 49% of the respondents.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is a survey of 100 CEOs’ opinions about what affects the company’s operation and which areas should be contributed with most efforts. Additionally, 58% of them mentioned the Information Technology played an important role because it was time consuming and extremely complex. Considering the most substantial insights, it also denotes that other aspects were also important including marketing, business development and financial management.