I marveled at how often powerful fill powerless but in the face of this sense of dis-empowerment, there’s no decline in involvement in organizations which seek to share wealth and opportunities, which seek to protect one another’s rights and work towards the common good.
According to the UN, civil society groups have grown 40-fold since the turn of last century. Internationally, the non-profit sector is worth one trillion dollars, and there are 700,000 not-for-profit organizations in Australia alone. The UN recognizes 37,000 specifically civil society organizations across the globe working international relief, and gives accreditation to many of them.
This profound movement towards harnessing voices and resources from outside the realm of governments and officialdom reflects a growth in trust “the third sector” - NGOs. Putnam who discovered in the field of local government in Italy, the best predictor of governmental success was the strength and density of a region’s civic associations.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is civil society organizations and it comprises those organizations aim to share wealth and opportunities, as well as protect people’s working and living rights. Additionally, it also denotes that civil society groups have grown significantly in comparison with the last century and worth trillions of dollars internationally. Considering the most substantial insights, it can be concluded that the best predictor of government success is the strength and density of a region’s civic organizations.