There’s sugar in a lot of foods where you don’t expect it. Of course, there’s lots of sugar in donuts or ice cream or pastries, or other things that are sweet: candy of course, but there are other places where you don’t necessarily expect it.
So as an example: peanut butter. Here is a list of ingredients from Skippy peanut butter and you see that sugar is the second most common ingredient. So that you may know from the reading food labels that these ingredients in any food labels are listed in order of how much there is in the food itself. So sugar comes right after peanuts.
Here is another example, beef stew, you wouldn’t necessarily expected to find sugar in beef stew but it’s there. Now it’s down the list of ingredients. It’s actually toward the end, but if you look at the marketing of this and food at the can, it says, there is fresh potatoes and carrots, but actually there’s more sugar in this than there is carrot. And so you wouldn’t eat something like beef stew and expect to find this to be the case.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is sugar and it comprises that sugar can be easily acquired everywhere. Additionally, sugar is not only about sugary foods such as candy and ice cream, it has made its way into other food where people don’t necessarily expect. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, reading food label help to reveal more detailed information about sugar content, some food including peanut butter and beef skew contains way more sugar than we expect.