When this dog approaches some food, another dogs playful snarls are played back. The dog seems curious, but the sound doesn't stop it from taking the bone. Here a dog hears the growls of a dog being approached by a stranger, but these don't deter it from grabbing the bone either. In another scenario the sound of a dog protecting its food is played back. This time the dog backs off. These experiments suggest the dogs can distinguish between different types of growls.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is an experiment conducted to study dogs’ reaction when they hear different growls, and it comprises that the researcher plays different growls of dog when a dog tries to approach the food. Additionally, the dog would take the food while hearing playful growls, but in another scenario, they back off when hearing the sound of another dog protecting its food. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, the experiment indicates dogs can tell different growls and show different reactions.