The arising concern that a lot of people have about raising children bilingually, especially the preschool year is based on the conceptualization that the human brain at birth is essentially monolingual. And the reason why come to this occasion, because often the parents will ask me if they use two languages at home, will their child be confused? Because they hear two languages. And parents often ask my advice on whether they should use one language on parent role which is widely known that parents who are raising children bilingually.
And the reason why most people think this is a good idea is that it will help to reduce the risks of the children being confused. Because they were able to associate each language with the separate speaker. The fear is that both parents use both languages, especially they use both languages into changeable within the same conversation within the same sentences. The child will not be able to separate the languages.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is that bilingual education and it comprises that parents concern about whether bilingual education at home would be confusing to their children. Additionally, bilingual education can easily confuse children when parents explain and talk about the same content by two different languages. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, if one parent sticks to one language, and the other one uses another language, it will help to reduce the risks of the children being confused.