Honey bees do a waggle dance to direct other bees to source nectar. But Dance bees like this one can be halted by a headbutt from another bee. Now research has found that headbutt is actually a warning signal. A feeding station in the lab was set up to mimic the source of nectar, then foraging bees were introduced to dangers at the station such as competition from rival colonies. When foragers returned to the hive, they stopped bees’ dancing. Scientists think the behaviours warn dancers of a dangerous source of nectar.
Significantly focusing on the facts which is mentioned is that honeybees headbutt their hive mates to warn them of danger at a food source and it comprises that honey bees usually perform “waggle dance" to direct foragers to the sources of nectar. Moreover, it also denotes that a feeding station was set up test the response of foragers when danger was introduced. It can be concluded that by halting their mates dance, foragers bees save others from perilous excursion.