To be a British, the first important thing is the free of speech that we have. It doesn't matter how small you are, how big you are, you are able to shout. I think security is very important. It's a society that has democracy as its basic value. There are people who come from a third world which wasn't a British colony where they didn't have democracy such way they grew up under what I called a law lord. A system where the king or the local headman was the ruler of that particular area and he laid down the laws. And there are still parts of Africa as well as Middle East where the system still exists. They have to follow that ritual and that's it, they cannot argue against it. Well, in our British society, we can argue. As the American saying, we can fight the city hall and this is one thing which is very unique among the western civilization, is that any voice is heard, however small it is, however big it is, we have the equal authority.
The UK has the freedom of speech that can be considered as the basic element of a democratic society. Additionally, it also denotes that some third world countries are still ruled by dictatorships, so their citizens have to follow that ritual and cannot argue against it. One unique characteristics of western civilization is equal authority, which means every person has the right to have their voice heard.