Let’s say if I'm asking which source do you often use to get information. Newspaper? Radio? And the survey shows 62% of the people chose internet. You might be thinking I am going to say, how important the internet is, or how quickly it has changed the world for a few years. But what if I tell you this survey is conducted on the website global and mail.com? Our answer will be different. Because the people who did this survey on a website must be frequent users of internet. This sample is a biased sample. So we have to pay attention to how a survey is conducted.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned in the survey, 62% of the people chose internet to obtain information. However, due to the survey is conducted on a website, this sample is a biased sample because people who did this survey on a website must be frequent users of internet. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, it can be stated that people have to pay attention to how a survey is conducted before take it into consideration.