I think it's important that we are, as a society, able to have an informed debate about how much privacy is enough but not too much, how much security is enough but not too much. Privacy as a human right, that's simply quoting the Universal Declaration.
In the physical world, we've got all kinds of protections. There is evidence that we care about our privacy. We've got doors, we've got obscured glass, we've got locks, we wear clothes, we put up shutters. And technology continues to erode the privacy that exists in the real world, in the three spatial dimensions. Security cameras, automatic number plate recognition take away anonymity. Long lenses, paparazzi, take away distance and the privacy that it used to create. And body scanners are increasingly being used to see through clothes.
This process isn't going to slow down and the new quantum technologies are actually being able to do gravitational sensing. And that's advancing at a remarkable rate. And you can't shield gravity. So some of the new quantum technologies are able already to see through walls. And there are technologies also for seeing around corners now using scattered light from lasers. Technology continues to erode privacy.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is the invasion of privacy and it comprises that privacy is a human right, which was declared in the Universal Declaration. Although in the physical world, we’ve got all kinds of protections to protect our privacy, technology still erodes the privacy, including security cameras, body scanners, long lenses. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, this process is still going on and recently developed technology continues to invade privacy.