In the western countries, women are becoming more and more reluctant to give birth to babies. However, the male’s status in society remains as strong as it ever has in recent years. The birth rates increased during the early 20th century but it started to decrease over these last two decades.
In the year 2000, as an example, the birth rate remained at around 1%. There are even some negative birth rates in other countries. Birth rates dropped to its lowest point that has never been seen in the society. It also has impacts on male in the society especially young man, and it might have some connection with unemployment rates as well.
Significantly focusing on the fact which is mentioned is that the decreasing child birth rate in European countries and it comprises that the birth rate has decreased to historical lowest point around 1.1-1.2%. Additionally, the reason is that western women are unwilling to give birth especially those young women under 30 years old. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, the phenomenon is also associated with unemployment rate.