Nowadays, the topic on limiting vehicle usage to protect the environment has attracted numerous controversies and drawn the attention from the public. It can be agreed that reducing vehicle emission could alleviate environmental pressure to a certain extent, while on the other hand stands a perspective that adopting such change can be challenging for the public. This essay will elaborate on both side and thus will lead to a logical conclusion.
At the outset, there are numerous reasons why driving puts substantial stress on the environment and the most conspicuous one stems from the fact that vehicle emits gas pollutants which not only degrades air quality but also contributes to greenhouse effect from carbon dioxide. A striking example is Beijing’s air, where the quality rapidly exacerbates when a record number of vehicles are on the road. Furthermore, car production involves mining and refining of an extraordinary number of minerals and the extraction processes are often some of the worst offender in killing our environment.
Additionally, reducing cars on the road will ease much needed traffic congestion in big cities such as Sydney, particularly during peak hour rush. Having such initiatives would influence government to invest on public transport instead of expanding or upgrading roads, all of which would reduce our ecological footprint.
In the light of the discussion above, it can be concluded that despite the fact that cars provide irreplaceable freedom, safety and comfort to us, the impact of car emission on the environment is prominent and should not be overlooked.